Weekly Photo Challenge: Possibility

This weekend was full of possibilities. The Occupy Wall Street movement reached my hometown of Cedar Falls Iowa Saturday when a group of over 50 protesters marched from the University of Northern Iowa campus 2.5 miles to Overman Park in the heart of downtown, across from City Hall. Please check out my posts and other photos from the demonstration and start a conversation about the recent protests in your community!  More photos.

Check out my articles covering the park pre-protest through the arrival of the protesters to the general assembly meeting and the selection of committees. Come join Occupy Cedar Valley if you live in the area or start a movement in your neighborhood. Protesters will be camping out at Overman Park in Cedar Falls. Feel free to stop by and share your concerns and ideas as well as donate any supplies or funds needed to keep our demonstration going strong!

Occupy YOUR Town

Occupy Overman! Cedar Falls Joins National Movement